Ashampoo PDF Pro 3

19,80 $

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Overview of Ashampoo PDF Pro Benefits

This program can create perfectly sized documents readable on any device and encrypt your property when needed. Your PDFs are now as easily editable as Word documents!

With Ashampoo PDF Pro, creating, editing, and annotating PDF documents becomes just as easy as exporting them for further processing in Microsoft Word or other applications. Ashampoo PDF always delivers excellent results – whether you’re working with text and images, replacing fonts, modifying layouts, or rearranging the pages in a document.

This program converts PDFs into text documents editable with MS Office or Ashampoo Office. HTML, EPUB, JPG, or RTF are also supported as output formats. Ashampoo PDF Professional furthermore supports optical character recognition to convert your scans into editable and searchable documents.

It can protect your documents with strong 128-bit AES encryption to prevent others from opening, editing, or printing them. You decide what readers will be able to do with your documents! Do your files include hidden text or graphics? Black them out permanently with Ashampoo PDF.

Overview of Ashampoo PDF Pro Features

  • Edit PDFs as comfortable as MS Word documents
  • Post-edit your documents in MS Word or other formats
  • Built-in revision control and spell checker
  • Format, revise and recompose with ease
  • Built-in PDF printer driver for maximum flexibility
  • Edit and annotate PDFs collaboratively
  • Insert and edit graphics and drawings
  • Replace single words or phrases in just seconds
  • Instantly access and use text blocks
  • Fill out and print forms inside the application
  • 128-bit AES encryption for your documents

Technical Details and System Requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7
  • Processor: Multi core Intel Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended
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Ashampoo PDF Pro 3
19,80 $
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